Libby W. Cowgill

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Selected Grants and Awards

External Grants

2023 National Science Foundation
PI: Libby Cowgill
Title: Validating Patterns of Bone Functional Adaptation in
Living Humans

2021 National Science Foundation
PI: Scott Maddux; Co-PI: Libby W. Cowgill, Cara Ocobock, Rachel Menegaz
Title: REU Supplement: Experimental testing of thermoregulatory principles: Re-evaluating ecogeographic rules in living humans 
2020 National Science Foundation
Co-PI: Scott Maddux, Cara Ocobock
Title: Experimental Testing of Thermoregulatory Principles: Re-evaluating Ecogeographic Rules in Living Humans
2019 National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant
Co-PI: Elizabeth Okrutney Cho
Title: “Influence of climate and population structure on morphological variation of East Asian body form”
2018 Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
Co-PI: Elizabeth Okrutney Cho
Title: “Influence of climate and population structure on morphological variation of East Asian body form”
2017 National Science Foundation Grow Grant
Co-PI: Colleen Young
Title: Investigation of human skeletal remains of prehistoric Baja California Peninsula and inferences for modeling island evolution on mainland.
2006  National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
Co-PI: Erik Trinkaus
Title: “The Ontogeny of Late Pleistocene Postcranial Robusticity”
2006 Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
Title: “The Ontogeny of Late Pleistocene Postcranial Robusticity”                
2005 Leakey Foundation
: “The Ontogeny of Late Pleistocene Postcranial Robusticity”         

Teaching Awards

2020 William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence
  • $15,000 annual fellowship honoring high quality educators at the University of Missouri
2016 Provost’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Teaching Award. University of Missouri, Columbia 
  • Three junior faculty awards per year awarded for exceptional dedication in teaching and advising.